Category Archives: Office Tricks

Data Synchronisation Series – using Free File Sync – Local C Drive Sync

We all run into problems with data eventually in engineering. Usually one of the first hurdles on large projects anyway is “displaced data” or data that is stored in multiple places and used by multiple people. Although it is possible to have fancy software solutions like Projectwise, Autodesk Vault and 12d Synergy automatically controlling your data and syncing it around etc., sometimes we either don’t have the money or the time to setup such elaborate systems. Free File Sync to the rescue.

In this blog, I’ll show you how to setup a sync between your c: drive (local) and your network location. Although the same principles apply for any other syncing. This tends to be the most useful for people working on site, or through VPN’s or at home etc.


  1. Go install free file sync from here. If you use it regularly, I encourage you or your company to donate on the site.
  2. Download these scripts to help you change your environment quickly. Download Local Drive Scripts

Setting Up

  1. Firstly determine your two locations you want to sync to
    1. Local – c:\drives\b (So that the drive mapping stays the same we will create a fake B: drive to ensure referencing is maintained, you can create whatever drive you want)
    2. Server – \\servername\folder\folder etc.
  2. Open the two scripts contained in the zip and edit the paths to match your syncing locations
    1. In “Open B Local.bat” add the path to where you will store your “fake” b: drive
    2. In “Open B In Office.bat” add your server path
    3. Copy both of these scripts to your desktop for easy access
    4. If you only want to sync a specific project determine those paths. Now open free file sync and add the local path to the project in the left folder field and the server path to the right folder field. Then press compare!
    5.  So that you don’t have to keep entering the paths everytime, you can save the sync to the project folder. It’s usually useful to give it a name like
      <Project Name>_<Location 1>-<Location 2> and add it to the project folder base directory. This way all your sync pair history comes up on the left as well.
    6. You should now be able to see all the files that will be copied from the server to your local drive. If you have a lot of data you may want to add some filters to reduce the amount of data that needs to be synced everytime. Things like *.bak files *.dwl and *.dwl2 files may not be needed. You can add them to the filters button up the top.
    7. You may also want to exclude certain folders from syncing to reduce space. Down the bottom left you can see the percentage of total space that each folder consumes. To exclude it via the filter just right click on it select “exclude via filter”. Excluding using a filter saves you from having to exclude it every time you sync. You can use wild cards in the filters as well like *\SOURCE* will exclude any folders staring with source etc.
    8. Once you are happy you have all the filters and correct paths. Press “Start Synchronisation”. This will copy all the files necessary down to your C drive so you can start working

Changing Your Environment.

If your working from home Run the “Open B Local.bat”

If your back in the office “Open B In Office.bat”

Keep on Syncing

1. Once your synced for the first time. You can now run periodic syncing at your leisure. After doing a compare FFS lets you know which files are going where

2. You can turn off the different types of sync by pressing the buttons down the bottom.

3. Its pretty straight forward but:
Purple is files going left
Green is files going right
+ sign means it’s a file
no + sign means its updating an existing file
= means they are the same
BUT MOST importantly the “lightning bolt” means its changed in both locations since the last sync

4. You can change which way things go by clicking the middle bar. This is great for resolving conflicts. Click and drag to do multiple items at once.

5. Press Sync to run. A lot easier than doing it yourself manually! Plus great for working over a vpn as only the files that have changed get sent through. Rather than all the files you access.

In the next blog series on Data Synchronization I’ll talk about how to script this or even use “Real time Sync” that comes with free file sync.


How to diagnose computer performance issues

I have been having some serious performance issues lately with my DELL precision M6600, which is almost 5-6 years old now!

I finally found a way to determine if it is my hardware or my workflows. Quite pleased to say it was my hardware and I am not crazy. But here is how I found out!

Download the Passmark Perfomance Test tool from link below (Free 30 day trial). These guys test over 600 000 rigs or something like that daily and after you complete your test you can compare your results to people with a similar or identical rig. Very useful!

I tested using 8.0 when writing this.

1. After you load into the performance tool, go the system tab and take note of the key specs of your computer. You will need these to find other rigs similar to yours to compare to.

  • CPU type/speed/L3 cache
  • Total Physical Memory
  • HDD Rpm/Size
  • Video Adapter Description


2. Go to “Baseline” Menu -> Manage baselines…


3. Now go the “My baselines” tab and delete all the existing baselines that get placed in by default


4. Then go to the “advanced search” tab and add in a few params. I added my cpu and clock speed and my model type


5. Tick on as many baselines as you can see match your specs. You may need to play around with the search params. You can add up to 16 baselines.


6. Now run the Benchmark! Make sure you close any working applications. If your on a laptop, make sure you plug your power supply in.


7. You will get a nice little bar and some popups while it runs.. Even a jet flying around..


8. When your done you will get a score like so.


9. After you finish uploading you will get a popup with a link .. RECORD THIS LINK, As I haven’t been able to find it later! And its useful to be able to send to others etc..


10. You can now see how your computer benchmarks against other rigs with similar hardware. I ran this test on an old desktop I found to replace my laptop. My laptops results are further below… Absolutely woeful!


11. Laptop results



DOTSOFT tools – Importing Linework from a PDF

Every now and then we find ourselves in a pinch for data. I don’t know how many times I have had nothing but a PDF to go on..

Well, it appears that a PDF is lot more useful than I first thought. Particular If it’s a vector PDF, you can usually tell if it is by zooming in and out on the PDF and you will see all the linework generate separately.

I won’t lie, I haven’t found a free tool to do this yet. But over at DOTSOFT Tools an application called PDF2DWG for 95 US sheets does get the job done very nicely.

I’ve actually bought the entire toolpac package that comes with PDF2DWG ($245), good value if you ask me. You can find the tool in the ribbon after installing, along with a host of other useful ones.

Select a PDF, even a multipage one

Lots of options here as well. Detect line weights, removing little raster images (particularly use for PDFS generated by GIS programs) and even the ability to convert image-based pdfs to linework (can’t verify how well this works though)

Hit process and voila! Massive time saver, that can pull you out of a “not enough data” situation very quickly.


How to unsecure a PDF the easy way

Ever had to deal with this crap….

Say no more.. follow instruction below

METHOD 1 – QPDF with Gui (PDF Freedom)

Download the QPDF gui version here. Thanks to “J.P. Kloosterman” for making it up

Open select input/ select output done.


METHOD 2 – Batch processing (QPDF command line tool)

1. Download the zip file from the link : Browse Files at or direct download frm

2. Extract the archive to some location e.g. Desktop

3. Add your pdf to the “bin” folder of the extracted archive/folder structure.

4. Open command prompt. Easiest way is to right click on the bin folder while holding shift. There will be an option in the context menu “Opencommand window here”.

5. Type the following in the command window (black screen): qpdf -decrypt “Secured.pdf” “Unsecured.pdf” where “Secured.pdf” is the name of your file that you want to unsecure. Note the quotes are required. “Unsecured.pdf” is the name of the output file. Call it what you want.

Write this as a bat file in notepad and you can do hundreds of PDFS

Note:  For both of these methods If the PDF requires a password to OPEN the file this will not work. All other typical security is removed e.g. making changes, copying content etc


Managing Surface Volumes in Civil 3D – Excel and the Volumes Dashboard

We are often exporting volumes from our models and for a lot of designers and drafters it is an adhoc affair. Engineer asks for volumes, so you make a few volume surfaces quickly, export volumes into excel, format a bit and then send. Some of the slightly more organized types might even save the excel spreadsheet into their modelling folder in case they need to use it again! But more often than not you will be asked to do this several times over the life of the project. So why not come up with a decent system for handling this process?


I would like to present a more efficient method, that not only is easy to update and manage but will improve the performance of your modelling files as well.

The workflow is quite simple, it may take slightly longer to setup. But I promise, you will thank yourself later. They key element been the use of the volumes dashboard.

A few simple rules to follow to ensure you maintain a nice link.

1. Never create all your volumes in the modelling DWG. Create them all in a separate DWG using data shortcuted surfaces (The odd one is fine).

2. Don’t manipulate the raw data you copy from the volumes dashboard (other than a sort). Link to it from another table in excel.

3. Don’t “Cut data over”/ Copy Data over the top in excel. Otherwise your links break!

Volume surfaces quickly increase the size of modelling dwg’s and will decrease overall performance when working in them. Unless you don’t work in your modelling DWG’s very often, which I highly doubt, keep your volumes surface in a separate dwg and data shortcut all the surfaces you need in. This also makes it easier to extract all the volumes you need in one hit rather then prowling around your dwg’s looking for quantities.

Once you have created your volumes DWG and you have data shortcutted the surfaces you need in. Start creating Volumes Surface Pairs. I strongly suggest maintaining a simple but consistent naming system. My system is as follows


So for example:



OP2-NTH-ROAD_ subbase etc..

This makes your life a lot easier when creating links in excel. It also helps prevent the desire to shoot yourself due to confusion later on :p.

Now you have pairs, it’s time to setup an excel file. My pairs looks like so:

Right Click on any surface in the dashboard to “Copy to Clipboard”

Open Excel, an begin by creating two tabs “Volumes”,”Data”. Data is where we will copy the raw data from your volumes dashboard (copy your raw output now). Volumes is where we will create the links to the volumes dashboard data so it is easier to update later.


Your data is now on the data tab. Do a sort on it (Volumes Dashboard doesn’t have a sort function!)

Your data should sort by surface name! This will save headaches later when you want to update the table or add new surfaces.

Now switch over to the Volumes tab and start creating a table like the one below. With various identifiers you need for each material volume you want to calculate. In the last column (2nd last in my case) you want to link the QTY back to the “data” tab that contains your raw pasted volumes dashboard data.

Now this table you create will eventually contain all the volumes you want, but not exactly in the best format for visualizing. This last step can be quite confusing for a lot of people. So hopefully the video link at the top helps.

Because the table is arranged in a “basic record format” like Microsoft Access or any SQL etc. we can use this table to create “Pivot Tables” and “Pivot Charts”.

Firstly covert your table into a “Named Range” by using the format as table function

Now select anywhere in your nicely formatted table and go to Insert -> Pivottable.

You will be confronted with a blank screen and most likely see all your column headers on the right.

By drag-droping your tables headers into the fields as required you can make your table display exactly as you need it. (I highly suggest watching the video to see this in action)

But for example say I wanted a table to display the materials as the column headers, the time as rows and calculate the quantities with respect to these columns. I could do the following

Then you will get this

But you can adjust these to suit your needs. Better, you can adjust to suit other people’s needs. You can create as many pivot tables as you want to display different views of your data and they are all stay linked back to the original source..

Now when it comes time to update your volumes from Civil 3D all you have to do is copy your volumes dashboard output… sort and paste over the top in your data tab!

The end result wonderfully formatted, dynamic tables. That can update almost at the click of a button…

Component Time-Height Embankment Storage Decant Rock Floor Cut Floor Fill Wall Excavate Windrows Minewaste Dry Tailings
3 – NORTH Month 00 – 487.82 m – DOWN 16,600 500 5,900 5,200 6,100 500
Month 06 – 487.82 m – DOWN 39,900 500
Month 06 – 489.92 m – DOWN 27,700 500
Month 12 – 493.02 m – DOWN 116,500 60,800 1,000 600
Month 21 – 493.02 m – DOWN 101,500
3 – NORTH Total 160,800 102,200 2,000 5,900 5,200 6,100 1,600
4 – SOUTHEAST Month 06 – 489 m – DOWN 125,100 600
Month 18 – 489 m – DOWN 325,100
4 – SOUTHEAST Total 125,100 325,100 600
5 – MINEWASTE Month 18 – 497.7 m – DOWN 545,600
Month 24 – 497.7 m – STACK 405,900
Month 30 – 497.7 m – STACK 600,800
Month 36 – 497.7 m – STACK 390,700
5 – MINEWASTE Total 1,943,000
6 – DRY STACK Month 12 – 485.2 m – STACK 190,600
Month 18 – 485.2 m – STACK 45,100
Month 24 – 487 m – STACK 47,200
Month 30 – 489 m – STACK 46,000
Month 36 – 491.8 m – STACK 52,300
6 – DRY STACK Total 190,600 190,600
Grand Total 285,900 527,300 2,000 196,500 5,200 6,100 2,200 1,943,000 190,600


Free File Sync – Folder Syncronisation Program

I have used a number of free “folder comparison/syncing” programs over time. But this one is awesome.

Highly recommended if you need to compare network locations regularly and update etc..

Just don’t install the nonsense application it recommends when installing it

Download here

Custom Synchronization Options

Really easy to visualize the way you want to update files. Create custom syncs that you can run regularly.

Basically gives you two lists, shows you what’s going to be updated. Just click to make it happen.

I particularly enjoy the fact that it keeps a DB on both sides so next time you sync it can check if anything has changed in both locations..!


Path Copy Copy? Copy UNC/Directory Paths from the right click menu.

Ever get annoyed having to copy paths of files and pasting them in emails.

Here is a great App. By just right clicking you can copy a path to a file and then paste it into an email etc. (See Below)

Completely compatible with windows 7/Vista/XP, 32/64 bit.

You can install it from the website here


If you use outlook a “right click” drag into your email will also copy the UNCPATH



Text Recognition in JPG’s using Adobe Acrobat XI..

If you like manually entering information/text from jpg’s and images please disregard this post…

I think this is a handy tip though.

Say I have a low quality jpeg that looks like below.. I want all the text from it.. but the problem is, it is an image..!

Not a problem!.. read below.

Open the image in Adobe Acrobat Pro.. im using version XI… but you can use version 9 too.

From the edit menu select “Edit Text & images”

A new bar appears on the right.. in the “Text Recognition Section” – select “in this file”.. (You can also do this for multiple files)

If you just want what you are looking at select the “current page” otherwise select all pages

Now the magic happens.. all the text is selectable… just copy and paste to wherever you need it.

Now in excel
