Tag Archives: creation

Creating your Civil 3D company styles “on the fly” the WBLOCK method

Maybe a primitive method but a good one.

Anyone who is new or old to Civil 3D knows how difficult it is to create all the styles you will need to finish projects in a timely fashion. But most of us don’t have the time to sit down and create all these styles. Let alone the will power to just sit down and create styles and nothing else.

So here is a technique for creating styles as you do project work. Using a WBLOCK style inbox.

Feeling lazy.. watch the video.

In a nut shell though, you are working, you create a style. You WBLOCK it out to a common directory. You keep working.

Next chance you get some free time you do some “Style Review and Cleanup”. Incorporate it back into your template. Then Repeat!

The WBLOCK command.

This is also a great method for creating DXREFS with Civil 3D, onto that another time though
