Its not everyone’s favourite part of Civil 3D. But I get a lot of questions about it.
Civil 3D Part Builder has the ability to create custom parametric parts of all shapes and sizes. The video below will explain everything in detail, the rest of the blog further below will just run over the stumbling blocks you need to know.
Adding Custom Contexts
To add custom contexts you will need to go to this path and edit the “AeccPartParamCfg.xml”. You will need to restart civil 3D to see the changes in part builder
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2016\enu\Pipes Catalog\Aecc Shared Content\AeccPartParamCfg.xml
Add your custom parameter in the <AeccParamDeclaration> section, just copy another one and change it to suit.
Then add your same context into the <AeccParamUsage> section further below. Make sure you enter it under the correct structure type.
Linking the Custom Context to the Dimensions
To create the link to the custom context parameters you will need to ensure your part is mostly finished first. Ensure you have a dimension in Civil 3D that represents the custom parameter, you will override it in the part’s XML
Now open the parts XML file it can be found in the catalog location here.
IMPORTANT NOTE: opening the part in part builder will reset these changes shown here and you will need to go and do them again
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2016\enu\Pipes Catalog\ANZ Metric Structures\Junction Structures with Frames\AeccStructRectSlabTopRectFrameANZ_Metric_offsets.xml
Inside the XML you will need to find the dimension that represents the basepoint offset width.
IMPORTANT NOTE: opening the part in part builder will reset these changes shown here and you will need to go and do them again
So this is that the line should look like
Adding Custom Sizes
You can add custom sizes in this same XML.
Find the parameter you want to change and copy the lines down. Ensure you update the index number as well.
Updating the Catalog and Validating
When your done making changes you will need to update the catalog in civil 3D. Command PARTCATALOGREGEN, select structures or pipes, whatever you need.
I also recommend validating the parts in the catalog screen.
The results can be found here
C:\ProgramData\Autodesk\C3D 2016\enu\Pipes Catalog\ANZ Metric Structures\Validate
Find your part name and open the txt file.
Everything Else!
I suggest watching the video above.

What about if the polygon is not regular. I mean no 90 degree angle.
I haven’t done one yet. But i’m not really willing to waste my time with project kameleon around the corner..
I follow the above video and create a custom manhole. However, place custom manhole with pipe, then apply the pipe rule end to end location as “inner wall structure”, fatal error will be occurred.
Im no pro in this department, but the best bet is to wait for project chameleon to come to fruition. As the Civil 3D part builder is awful and will most likely be scrapped soon.
I have followed the video and created new contexts for manhole Grade Ring Diameter and Grade Ring Height. These new contexts now show up as Part Data in my Structure Properties as desired.
I have the Grade Ring Height set to a list and have the option to select different heights when I add a Part Size, however when I open Structure Properties there is nothing populated and no list for the Grade Ring Height that can be changed after the part is created. Are you not able to change the new context parameters (my Grade Ring Height) using Structure Properties just like Wall Thickness/Floor Thickness/etc. when they are set to a list?
My machine is running: C3D 2016 SP2, running on Windows 7 x64 SP1 with the latest security patches
What do you know about Chameleon? Will the custom parts I have already created still work if they are working in Civil3D now?
I did mention that the part builder was awful right? I have only been able to get lists to work, numbers etc. dont work for me. And yes, once the part is in Civil 3D, the struct. properties behaves very strangely. I think the difference is in whether you have the context parameter as one ofthe two types. can’t remember their namaes, group or single? not sure..
As for wehter they will work in Chameleon.. I am going to imagine they won’t. But who knows Autodesk might write in a converter? Considering how buggy the part builder is, i can only image it wont work..
Hi Brad
Thank for the tutorial it work perfectly, but the pipe invert lineup with the btm of the structure. How do I change so that the pipe enters the box at 350mm afbove the floor level.