CeeThreeDee Free Tools

They are completely free (as in free to use). Enjoy!

Even better they will install without Admin Rights. (Take that IT overlords!) So you can even install them on virtual machines / Citrix VDI etc..

Download for Autocad/Autocad Civil 3D 2018-2025 (Windows 64 Bit)

Commands in the tool so far.. If you have any good feed back whack it in comments below.

CeeThreeDeeFree Ribbon
Full command list in Cee Three Dee Free tools

31 responses to “CeeThreeDee Free Tools”

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31 thoughts on “CeeThreeDee Free Tools”

  1. Wow.  The multiple profile and profile view creator thing is AWESOME!!!  Thank you!!!  I work on large sites; today I had 170 ponds and 340 ditches in a drawing.  Made the ditch alignments for every single one… and then click, click, click, click… create profile, create profile view… WOW this is a time saver!!
    Any future plans of making a create multiple corridor tool?
    Alignment | Profile | Assembly | Target
    As columns, and then Click?
    Installed great, love it, thank you so much!!!

    1. There is a third-party app which converts polylines to C3D corridors (it creates horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, profile view, corridor, top surface, and datum surface). But it is paid software.

  2. There is a third-party app which converts polylines to C3D corridors (it creates horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, profile view, corridor, top surface, and datum surface). But it is paid software.

    1. @antonin… just for you… i have added two new tools… BATCH CREATE ALIGNMENTS…. creates multiple alignments/profiles from polylines/3d polylines.. and also BATCH CREATE CORRIDORS… creates multiple corridors (create as many as you want!) will also build the surface etc…

  3. Hi again.  Would you be willing to give a little bit of insight into how you created this (awesome) tool?  I’d be interested in trying my hand at it.  I do have one note: in the create multiple profiles and profile views, there isn’t a scroll bar or a way to uncheck multiple surfaces.  I’ve been getting around it by flipping my monitor to portrait to try to see the bottom, but in drawings with several hundred surfaces (yes I realize that’s crazy but it’s my 9-5 job) I still can’t see/edit the options for creating multiple profile views so I have to go get them from 0,0.  Thanks again, you have saved dozens of hours of my time and I really appreciate it!

    1. Ha. No worries ill get that fixed, glad I could help. As for how to do it yourself. Well I went on a 2 years adventure down the coding hole. I still work a 9-5 job, and i have two kids, but between about 9pm (when my wife goes to bed) and 1am (when i go to bed) i would just keep trying to learn more from anyone and anywhere. I would say I learnt the most from two people in particular. There is a youtuber that makes Unity games in c# call Quill18 (he has a channel called Quill18creates) and he is a great teacher! The other would be kean walmsley blog “Through the interface” so many great examples for Autocad based code. So go forth and conquer

  4. Hi there CeeThreeDee,Just wanted to say Cheers for the awesome tools. The BatchRename and The Batch Profiles are two of my new favourite tools! And in a world of capitalism – thanks for spreading the Free tool love around! 

  5. Really appreciate your free tools!

    You asked for feedback, so here goes 😉

    Create Batch Volume Surfaces. A cool and powerful idea. Here’s what would make it 5 times faster to use:
    There should be a naming template for volume surfaces, so I can make it say something like “{Comparison Surface} compared to {Base Surface}”
    All columns should have a button to “Set all”. I would like to set all Base surfaces to the same, and use different comparison surfaces. In a different circumstance I might want to use different base surfaces and set all the comparison surfaces to the same.
    Same applies to the name template for creating the Volume Surface Name and to the Style and Surface Layer column. They should all have a “Set all” button at the top.

    There should be a way to delete a row, in case I made too many.

    If I “Create Volume Surfaces” without setting a Name or a Style, it causes a Fatal Error. It would be good if the button was greyed out until all settings are present to prevent a crash.

    1. Solid Feedback, thanks Mark.. Yeah batch volumes surfaces was my first go at making a tool.. Haven’t revisited it in a while. Next time i feel inspired ill try and add those features.. 

      1. I just realized also: this would be a great use case for surface folders.
        If I put all my comparison surfaces in one folder, it would be great to select one Base Surface, select the folder of Comparison Surfaces, and end up with a new folder of all the volume surfaces.

  6. I’m confused about the stage storage tool. Getting different results than expected.
    I clicked the box to Keep Generated Surfaces, and checked the volumes in the surface properties.
    Why would the cumulative volume for the top elevation in the table be a cubic metre less than the volume in the surface properties for the same elevation? Where do these table volumes come from? I would have thought they were copied from the volume surface properties.

    1. Sounds like a bug, there is an issue where Civil 3D will create an extra row at the top of volume elevation table. an “Off by one error”. Unfortunately the Civil 3D api doesnt allow you to get the volumes etc from the calculated ranges directly out of the surface. My code places a volume legend table really far away and then explodes it and reads the volumes back out of it. 

      Another bug we have spotted is you need to have the “basin polyline” completely covering the surface. IF it goes beyond it, it will crash. 🙁 .

      One day i might revisit. But hard to complain about the price of the tool. :p

  7. I tried to use in Civil 3d 2023 and it didn’t work. Will you ever make it compatable to use on my platform?

  8. Hello,
    Is there a way to get stage storage for oversized pipes modeled as pipes in the storm network?
    Please let me know

    Thanks in advanced

    1. The stage storage tools is designed to replace the default stage storage tool that comes with Civil 3D.. that is rather awful. So it only works with surfaces, unless your pipe is modelled as a surface?

  9. Hi again.  I downloaded the new version and clicked the install button, now the ribbon is gone (in both 2022 and 2024).  Any ideas?  Tried uninstalling it, reinstalling it, restarting.  Thanks so much!!!

    1. Type CUI at command line and scroll down to the Partial cui section.. check that ceethreedee tools is in there. If it is then go to the top right panel and find your current workspace, click the customise button then tick boxes appear, go find the ceetheedee ribbon in the partial customisation section and tick it back on. Click save workspace and the exit..should be back

  10. Hi I just downloaded the tools and they appear in my ribbon, but whatever i click i get “unknown command”. What should I do?

    1. Hey sorry about the late reply.. you could try the command APPAUTOLOADER and then chose “Reload” this might get the tools to load.. When you first start-up you do have hit the “Always Load” option otherwise the tools wont load..

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