Category Archives: Bugs

Surfaces Maximum Angle Build Definition – Not Weeding Correctly

Original Post Here

UPDATE – This is actually by design. As the inside of your design may have triangles with large angles that may need to be maintained. Still I would prefer this as an option here to look everywhere or outside only..

Surface Properties -> Definition – > Build -> Use Maximum Angle

This feature should give you the ability to weed any triangles in your surface that have an angle greater than the specified angle.

Obviously for corridor models this is quite useful as they are built by almost parallel sections triangulating between one another. So anything outside this wonderful playground should stand out, like below.

For some reason though, when I apply a Maximum angle of 95deg it does not weed all the triangles. It leaves lots of them with angles greater than 95 deg. See below


Extract Corridor Solids does not work with Custom Subassemblies

Extract corridor solids does not work for custom subassemblies. It seems to only export the link codes.

I tried on a smaller section of my corridor.. it just creates a blank file. It seems to read all the shapes as per below. It just can’t export them..

Acknowledged by Autodesk as Bug see post below


Create Cogo User-Defined cogo point properties on the fly.

I am aware that if I define my user-defined properties in settings first. I can then import cogo points with user defined properties.

However what is the point of the “user-defined” field then in the Point File Format – Select Column Name box.

It seems to allow a user defined column name and everything.. But it just doesn’t work!

Or is it Just broken?


COGO Point Renumbering does not work unless selected individually from highest to lowest

Not sure if this is fixed in 2015.

if I select cogo points with points number 45,46,47 in that order.. It will prompt me to either (overwrite or <next>)

Overwriting will renumber the points in the incorrect order and sometimes it will delete points that overlap.

Using Next Skips to the next available number. Which is not what I want..

So the only way to do it is to select in the reverse order and it works.. however this is very time consuming if I have 200 points!!!!!! Can it not just start the renumbering from the highest number?
