Category Archives: Wishlist

Civil 3D styles – Style Overrides

Some styles are unnecessarily duplicated through the product just to change one parameter

For example surface styles

Just to have the interval changed. Would it not be nice to simply have an object dependent property override?

This could apply to more than just surface styles as well.

Profile/Section Views – vertical exaggeration

Alignments Labels – major/minor spacing

Cogo Points – Left/Right side

Other quick features that would be great like the build definition options…


Request Feature/Report Issue Forums – Autodesk Beta – needs work!

New upgrades to the site saw not really a lot change.

It is really difficult to see what requests/issues are posted as there are no descriptions next to the FR DE codes


The editor is does not easily allow one to add inline images to describe what you are talking about. You can only “attach files” which is a very “old skool” way of posting problems an ideas.

If you want genuine contribution from the community get some better technology in place!

no editor




Subassembly Composer – Add “Real” Delta Y overrides for slope/elevation/width etc.

EDIT: You can download the subassemblies demonstrated below from link here

Currently the elevation and width targets override using “absolute” elevation or width.

The following changes would add enhanced flexibility to control key parameters in a corridor design.


This allows the user to define delta y/delta x/slope using a profile height.

  1. It removes having to code this as an expression.
  2. It also allows the custom subassembly to display correctly in layout mode.

So for example:

  • A profile with a elevation of 0.5 would make the slope of a link 0.5%
  • A profile with an elevation of 1.5 would make a pipe dia in a custom subassembly equal 1.5m dia.
  • A profile with a elevation of 1.2 would make the relative height of a wall 1.2m.
  • A offset target/profile with a width from cl/height of 3m would change the relative width to 3m

So rather than constantly having to try and find the correct elevation on the main profile. You can control parameters on a separate profile above/below the main profile. Similar to the Super elevation profile view.

What I Call “Dual Profile Design”

See below for use.


