Get a few people asking me this one so here you go
Download Australia Format IDF for SSA using this link <<
Feeling Lazy, watch the video.
Otherwise, firstly you will need to set your project to a hydrology method that utilizes IFD’s. (‘Merica calls them IDF). Go to Input -> Project Options
Change the Hydrology Method to Rational
Now you need some curve data. Google Search, “Australian IFD data” or go to this link for the bom website. You will need to type in the coordinates of your site. Then you can copy or download the data as a CSV.
“IDF” curves in SSA are formatted with the AEP or “Year Return Values” as the rows and min. duration as the columns so you will need to transpose your data in excel. Quite easy, select it all and then rightclick -> paste special -> transpose
You will then need to import this into SSA. I have saved you some time here, you can download the default format here. (this arranges the AEP/duration columns correctly.
Go to Input -> IDF curves
You will want to load my “Australian IFD Format.idfdb” file (see download link here) so that is structures the AEP/duration correctly.
Now just copy/paste the duration data from excel into the little panel down the bottom.
You should now be able to see your curves you can use for analysis