1. There is no way to sort or “re-order materials” in either the main dialog. OR the Criteria Dialog. Very frustrating!
2. Structures added manually can’t be deleted (this is definitely a bug!)
3. When creating large criteria or editing manually. It would be good if the “delete” key worked and multiple lines can be selected at once and deleted. As having to go up to that red cross can be very time consuming when editing large criteria etc. Particularly when everytime you delete something the selection moves completely away from where you were working.
4. Find/replace functionality on the names used in the criteria would also save a lot of time as well. You want to use the criteria on a different area of your design and all you need to do is change a suffix. Otherwise the “map objects by name” doesn’t work (find replace functionality in every civil 3d list box would save a lot of time)
5. It would be excellent if shape codes could be split somewhat by a surface. So (area volume in shape code above <selected surface>/area volume in shape code below <selected surface>. This negates having to create – 4-5 extra surfaces to calculate complex geometry represented by a shape.

Hey Brad, thanks for the list; always nice to see other people are wishing C3D had the same functionality you are hoping for.
Have you heard at all if the ‘split shapes by surface’ item — number 5 on your list — has any possibility of being implemented? I’m on a project where I’ll need to create several hundred extra surfaces without this ability. I assumed it was possible while setting up my subassemblies, and now it’s going to take a good amount of tedious work to get the quantities out. . .
Jey Justin
Unfortunately I don’t see it happening anytime soon. That section that you see in point 5 is actually from a project I was working on that also had lot of stages as well. I had to create a custom subassembly to generate all the surfaces above/below the various materials and then create a whole bunch of staging surfaces as well.To save time, rather than modelling every single stage and calculating it. which would have been over 70 staging surfaces. I modelled only every 10th stage and then interpolated the volumes in excel afterwards. (X1+X10)/10+X1 etc. etc.
It becoming more and more apparent that Civil 3D is not quite cut out for the mining industry but yet i persevere!
I do hope your using pivot tables to handles those volumes! I’ll see If I can do a video soon on my current workflow for using the materials takeoff.