Long have I loathed the inconsistency in projection/crossing of civil 3d/regular autocad objects in profile/views. I.E Projections
More importantly, managing what is projected has long been cumbersome as well. It’s time for a shake up.
Introducing PROJECTION SETS. (similar to my styles sets idea, but for projections)
Projection sets would allow you to create a dynamic editable “query” to group desired objects that you want to use for projection. This query also defines how these objects should be displayed in profile/section views/exaggerated views?.
I’ll let the image below explain itself. But generally a few key points.
- ALL Objects are Available for Projection!!!
- ALL Objects can be assigned labels as well as projections styles
- BOTH Profile Views/Sections views have similar projection options (Crossing/Superimposed/Bounding Box limit etc, explained further below)
- Queries can be assigned to objects so that they can be assigned default styles based on the point group or there layer or whatever.
- The same projection set can be used for multiple profile views etc.. Its dynamic..When it updates it updates the profile view/section nview etc.
Projection Options/Types
It’s really important that we have options to filter how objects are selected/cut/displayed in section/profile views.
I’m thinking there could be two/three types.
These would be saved as styles and can be changed/updated.
Crossing Only
Only objects that intersect the line are displayed
Bounded Parameters
Only objects within specified parameters can be seen. I.E 25m either side of alignment. Similar to how the sample line projections work now. This should be enabled for profiles views as well of course!
Bounded Objec
Only objects within a selected polygon are sampled. This would allow flexibility for users to limit things by stage boundaries etc..