Category Archives: Uncategorized

Making an Android App – Wack-a-wombat

Well, I spent a painful 8 weeks learning the ins and outs of Unity and making a kids gaming app called “Wack-a-wombat”. With the help of my kids of course we managed to “whack” out a whack-a-mole sort of game with about 11 levels.

Hopefully with all the experience I have had I would like to apply some of my learning here to a 3D games that will benefit the CAD world.

Anyway the first 3 levels are free and then its like 2 dollars to play the rest. If you like my free apps and you would like to support me to keep developing them, then this is a great way to show your support.

Give it a go here, if you have Android of course. Will make a version for Apple soon. Once they approve my developer account!


Partial Refernce Element-Based Alignment/Profile Design

Put simply, I wish you could use multiple bits of linework/other alignments/profiles to create dynamic alignments. Sort of like an offset alignment than co reference more than one object.

Similar to the way kerb returns work already, but in a much more customizable and intuitive way. (this is done incredibly well in 12D using computators!)

Horizontal Geometry Example

Let’s consider horizontal alignment design of two roads (blue and red) using the below example.

There are offset requirements for the existing property boundary, the new road (blue) and the highway. Typically to create an alignment we would offset all of this basic linework and then convert to an alignment and add curves etc.. But this is not very dynamic at all!! What happens if the offset requirements requirement’s change? or If the new road is adjusted?

What would be useful is if we could produce alignments based on these very requirements parametrically. Using a partial reference element-based approach that maintains the links to the original linework or other design elements.

So instead of creating all this alignment geometry manually we can create “dynamic rules” for the alignment to create itself. Most importantly the alignment can be created using multiple partial parts of other objects or alignments.

Vertical Geometry

Using this same example it would be also useful to create dynamic element based vertical geometry as well. Grades can be projected dynamically to create element based tangents or PVI’s.

Some light “freely” available reading can be found here. 12D computators

Or watch a video here


How to unsecure a PDF the easy way

Ever had to deal with this crap….

Say no more.. follow instruction below

METHOD 1 – QPDF with Gui (PDF Freedom)

Download the QPDF gui version here. Thanks to “J.P. Kloosterman” for making it up

Open select input/ select output done.


METHOD 2 – Batch processing (QPDF command line tool)

1. Download the zip file from the link : Browse Files at or direct download frm

2. Extract the archive to some location e.g. Desktop

3. Add your pdf to the “bin” folder of the extracted archive/folder structure.

4. Open command prompt. Easiest way is to right click on the bin folder while holding shift. There will be an option in the context menu “Opencommand window here”.

5. Type the following in the command window (black screen): qpdf -decrypt “Secured.pdf” “Unsecured.pdf” where “Secured.pdf” is the name of your file that you want to unsecure. Note the quotes are required. “Unsecured.pdf” is the name of the output file. Call it what you want.

Write this as a bat file in notepad and you can do hundreds of PDFS

Note:  For both of these methods If the PDF requires a password to OPEN the file this will not work. All other typical security is removed e.g. making changes, copying content etc


Importing high resolution imagery from Google to CAD using QGIS

See my previous post here to see the full process. This is an expansion on this process to bring in more or better quality imagery.

Once you have setup your coord system etc. as per previous post, you then want to zoom your screen down to the desired resolution. I find going one zoom level further in than you like is usually a good strategy.

Now you want to keep pressing “save as image” then panning your screen around to get the tiles you desire. Just use your middle mouse button, don’t zoom in and out. Give the images about 5/10% overlap.

Once you have saved all the images you need. Just read them back in to have a look at the finished result. I have saved 6 images below.

Now I want to merge them together as one image.

Raster -> Miscellaneous -> Merge


So now you just need to output your merged image in the desired coordinate system.

Right click the layer and press “save as”

Make sure you tick “rendered Image” and specify your desired coord system.

Give it a short moment to output

Now read into cad. Don’t forget to set your units to “meters” on command INSUNITS if you are using the metric system.

You should now have an image in CAD that is better resolution, or covers a more vast area
