Category Archives: Wishlist

Batch Operations and Multiple Object Handling in Civil 3D

I started writing this, realised it was getting incredibly long and stopped…

There is a distinct problem with “scalability” in Civil 3D. As modelling becomes more complex, as inevitably it does, handling of batch operations and multiple objects is hindered significantly by a lack of simple functionality to handle them in the core product. In turn, precious hours are wasted.

I am very interested to hear what can be done on the development side to deal with this problem? The changes for some of these items seem rather simple..

See below examples….

This is just a small handful of things you have to do “one at a time” inside Civil 3D. A simple function added would allow you to do multiple operations at once, saving an operator hours of time! But yet, we have to live with it!

(Having 20 plugins and/or 3rd party apps to deal with this is not a solution!)

1. Create Reference using Data shortcuts. You can create multiple data shortcuts, but you can’t “Create Reference” to multiple data shortcuts.

2. The volume dashboard can add multiple surfaces at once. But only remove one at time. Not to mention its lack of sorting or basic organisation functionality like, the ability to change multiple surface styles at once.




3. Synchronizing Data Shortcuts can only be done on mass. Or one at a time. It would be ideal to be able to choose the objects I wish to synchronize in the toolspace to save processing time.

4. Additionally while synchronizing there is no way to specify in the “Object Name Change” box to update the name of all change objects

5. Settings Objects to rebuild automatically. Currently you can only turn them on/off one at a time. Very time consuming. There is a lot of work that can be done here. Particular for more complex models that need to be changed. Rebuilding can take a very long time and you may want to delay it until you have made enough changes.

a. Adding a “Global Rebuild” On/Off Feature. This would allow a quick and dirty solution to changing complex models without the wait time..

b. Adding the ability to turn on/off rebuild for civil 3d objects in the prospector/properties box. And even “save rebuild state” so you can restore certain states for particular modelling operations.



6. In the Profile View Properties – > Profiles Screen although you can select and edit multiple profile styles etc. You cannot add or remove profiles

7. Additionally in the “Create Surface Profile screen” Only one alignment can be given profiles at a time.. Plus profiles that were previously created can’t be removed?

8. Corridor Targets – You can only do them all or one at a time. It would also be particularly useful to “copy/paste” targets between items.

9. “Set Width or Offset Target” and the “Set Elevation Slope Target” – In more complex drawings your alignment list can get quite long. A tick box that filters out “alignments/profiles that aren’t related to this corridor” would be very useful. Not having to press the “add” button everytime and just pressing enter would be also quite useful.

10. Can only add one DEM file to Surfaces at a time.

But you can do it in the point cloud creator?

In my opinion the GUI functionality is inconsistent and broken and needs a major overhaul. Relying on third party developers to solve these problems by creating little apps that perform these operations is also not good enough. Quite often the API is not available for these functions.

I do hope that good apps that reflect “core functionality” should be bought or reproduced and incorporated into the product regularly. Not left to be discovered on an “as needed basis”



Improvements that can be made to the Sample Line Materials Setup Box

1. There is no way to sort or “re-order materials” in either the main dialog. OR the Criteria Dialog. Very frustrating!

2. Structures added manually can’t be deleted (this is definitely a bug!)

3. When creating large criteria or editing manually. It would be good if the “delete” key worked and multiple lines can be selected at once and deleted. As having to go up to that red cross can be very time consuming when editing large criteria etc. Particularly when everytime you delete something the selection moves completely away from where you were working.

4. Find/replace functionality on the names used in the criteria would also save a lot of time as well. You want to use the criteria on a different area of your design and all you need to do is change a suffix. Otherwise the “map objects by name” doesn’t work (find replace functionality in every civil 3d list box would save a lot of time)

5. It would be excellent if shape codes could be split somewhat by a surface. So (area volume in shape code above <selected surface>/area volume in shape code below <selected surface>. This negates having to create – 4-5 extra surfaces to calculate complex geometry represented by a shape.


